In this week’s coffee break we examine how you can set big goals that motivate without making you feel yucky when setbacks happen. We take a look at the intersection of self-compassion and goal setting.
Micro Resilience: the art of the bounce-back
All leaders stumble. The best leaders exude resilience by bouncing back from mistakes and setbacks quickly. In this week’s Coffee Break you will find inspiration and tips on how to recover from a setback.
Reading a Room for maximum impact
Reading a room is the first step to executive presence and creating influence. Three quick keys: 1) pay attention to non-verbal cues 2) being fully present and undistracted and 3) practice global listening.
Think Super Powers – Not Super Hero
We all have unique talents and gifts. I choose to call them your super powers because when you apply your strengths in the right context you will have a super impact. No, this does not make you a super hero.
Why Your Personal Brand matters so much
Personal brand matters for organizational leaders just as much, if not more than for businesses and media stars. Your brand is like having an army of spokespersons whispering positive things about you when you are not around. More important, as a decision make and change agent, knowing your brand well helps you to really good decisions
New YouTube Channel
My New YouTube channel is here! The Coffee Break. Rich content delivered efficiently and in a fun manner. I created this channel for courageous organizational leaders like you. Please take a moment to subscribe if … read more
How Do I Improve Employee Engagement in my Group?
Did you know that only 15% of employees across the world are engaged in their jobs? That number is staggering because it means that 85% of employees are not invested in committing their time, talent, … read more
Key Roles High Performing Teams Always Fill
High performing teams must have five key roles filled to continue to function optimally. In a previous post, I talked about the importance of having balance for teams to function their best. By filling these … read more
How do I get everyone on the same page and moving in the same direction?
How do I get everyone on the same page and moving in the same direction? “If everything is important, nothing is.” When you’re talking about a team that is working together to get things done, … read more
How do I improve my team’s chemistry?
How do I improve my team’s chemistry? Does team chemistry positively impact team performance? If you would have asked me a year ago, I would’ve given you a resounding yes. Today, I would still say yes, … read more