Is work happiness and fulfillment possible even with a boss who sucks? Absolutely!
In my coaching work, I help my clients to transition to more fulfilling and rewarding work. A common challenge that we must navigate during this process is finding work happiness now despite having a bad boss. The fantasy is to blink and magically the bad boss will disappear. Promoted. Fired. A lottery winner that rides away fast into the sunset. The second place we spend our energy in this situation is wishing that the manager will change. That suddenly he will become less incompetent, or clueless.
The truth is the bad boss is not the real obstacle. The real issue is you’ve stopped generating solutions and evaluating your options. Your view to other possibilities has been temporarily obstructed.
My niche is helping people to see, explore and act on the options available to them. Let’s take a typical scenario. You are working for a manager who has been promoted beyond her competence level. She does not allow you to shine, she takes your credit and is a blocker. Did I miss anything? What are your options?
Let’s explore 10 fun and creative options to finding peace of mind and more joy in work despite having an ineffective manager.
I will warn you that these options are meant to get your thinking, so pull out a piece of paper. I guarantee that the spark of a new idea will hit you by the time you finish reading item number 10.
1) Do nothing.
Enjoy the pain or hitting you head on the window pane. At least by complaining, it saves you from taking a risk. Plus, we know this song and the music by heart. I had to get that one out of the way first.
2) Double down on working hard.
Work hard and hope that Mrs. Bad Boss will notice your efforts. Hint: Since she is so clueless, make sure you point out your extra effort with a bright neon sign. With a little luck she might notice and appreciate your making her look good.
3) Start networking.
Expand your network to new people inside and outside of your company. The goal is not to find a new job. This is about finding new ideas and fresh approaches to old problems. Expanding your network is a sure fire way to boost creativity. In the process you might learn about new projects or alternative roles that might be a better fit for your talents and provide you a greater sense of fulfillment.
4) Take an outside course.
You will connect with others and bring in fresh ideas that could be useful to the company and even to the boss.
5) Go back to school.
You will improve your market value. Hint: Be sure to let everyone know that you are going to school and what you are studying. It is a great way to re-brand yourself and to get considered for new opportunities.
6) Start a side gig.
Yes, I mean Uber. No! Anything that that quickens the pulse and brings some happiness back into your world.
7) Secretly send the bosses’s name to a headhunter.
Yes, this is so devilish. So utterly naughty. I agree, so really consider this one. Just tell the head hunter to keep your name out of it. Headhunters just want referrals, so this has little risk. It is just an idea.
8) Play the Game of Thrones.
Yes, you know what I mean – Manage up and make the boss look good as often as you can. I am not talking about giving her false praise for skills she does not have. I am mean really taking a fresh look at her contributions. It will make you feel better and she will appreciate you noticing.
9) Focus on another area of your life.
During these dark days, exploring a hobby is a great way to change how you see the world. What have you always wanted to try? What did you use to enjoy doing, but you’ve stopped? Come on, think!
10) Hire a coach.
I had to do it. It can be a personal trainer, career coach, executive coach, or dance instructor. The most successful people never stop investing in themselves. Often, when you get so hyper focused on the boss, it is a sign of boredom and the need nourish another area of your life. You need to see yourself from a different perspective so shifting your focus is a great way to accomplish this goal.
I hope you had little fun exploring some of these options and ideas. It is true there are far too many bad bosses in the workplace. While this reality does suck, you don’t have to be stuck. Always remember that there are options and moves to be made. The process of exploring options will open things up and bring a greater degree of joy and work happiness now.
Ron leads a Las Vegas based consulting practice where the focus is on creating happy, harmonious and high-performing teams. Additionally, he is an accomplished writer, speaker, and coach that focuses on helping highly successful female leaders discover and transition to more fulfilling work and roles. If you want to be entertained, inspired, and transformed, then join the tribe!