In 2005, I had the privilege of hearing Lance Miller’s winning speech live in Toronto Canada at the Toastmasters International Speech Contest. Earlier this week I was feeling a bit discouraged about my ability to inspire others and his inspirational message came to me. His message is simple. Making others feel great by seeing and validating their uniqueness is the easiest and straightest path to feeling great about yourself.
I thought, well that is easy, so I started to apply his message. Every time I took a moment to validate somebody else, I started to get that spring back into my step. I started to notice what was right, what was good, and what I appreciated in those around me. This simple act totally shifted my perspective and moved me from that negative judgmental space to an expansive appreciative place. I don’t care who you are, the view from here is absolutely spectacular.
Take the seven day validation challenge. Commit to giving ten people a sincere statement of validation or appreciation over the next seven days. The validation can be given in person, by email, text or social media. I can guarantee you this: it is easy; it will make you feel great; and it will totally inspire those who receive your gifts of appreciation. In fact, let’s start now. Take 30 seconds and leave me a comment about the post. I dare you to make my day!